


Participants have two options for submitting their work to APIEMS2024, each tailored to different publication goals:

Abstract Only Submission:

Word Limit: Up to 1,200 words. The abstract should include Introduction (<300 words), Methods (<300 words), Results (<300 words) and Conclusions with Contributions (<300 words).

Initial Submission Deadline: May 31. July 31

Review Process: Abstracts will be reviewed by a panel of experts, and feedback will be provided.

Revision Submission Deadline: October 15, post-review feedback.

Publication Goal: This submission route is ideal for those who wish to present preliminary results and reserve their complete findings for later publication in a prestigious journal, thereby preventing issues of self-plagiarism or content duplication.

Limitations: Please note that Abstract Only submissions will not be selected for publication in the conference proceedings and in the extended journal, and are also not eligible for any conference awards.

Full Paper Submission:

Page Limit: Up to 6 pages.

Initial Submission Deadline: May 31. July 31

Review Process: Full papers undergo a thorough review, and detailed feedback is provided to enhance the quality of the work.

Revision Submission Deadline: October 15, based on the received feedback.

Publication Goal: This option is suitable for researchers who aim to have their completed work published in the conference proceedings, contributing to the field and sharing knowledge with other professionals.

>> Full paper Template <<

>> Abstract only template <<

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