
Registration Fee

nThe registration system is closing now. Please contact admin for late registration at admin@apiem2024.org

  International Early Bird
(Before 31st Aug. 2024)
(Before 30th Sept. 2024)

*Presenter – Student
(with Copy of student ID)


Participant $300
ผู้มีสัญชาติไทย *ผู้นำเสนอ๑๕,๐๐๐ บาท
๑๗,๐๐๐ บาท
*ผู้นำเสนอ – นักศึกษา
๑๒,๐๐๐ บาท๑๔,๐๐๐ บาท
ผู้ร่วมงาน ๑๑,๐๐๐ บาท

*Remark: Presenter and Presenter – Student limit to 1 paper for each registration, additional paper is charged $50 (or 1600 THB for Thai National). The maximum papers are 2 papers for each registration.